The Student Recruitment Committee assists the University in the successful recruitment of top-tier students to Carolina. The growing size of the student body, as well as the increasing ability of other top universities to attract the best students via merit scholarships, makes the goal of this committee essential. During the 2011-2012 BOV year, this group's work expanded to focus on students who had been invited to participate in the Honors Carolina program, with BOV members supporting Carolina's success in increasing these top academic recruits.
- Almer Reddick '24 , Co-Chair
- Chris Hoover '24, Co-Chair
Charlotte/Triad/Western NC Regional Leader(s):
- Diana Jones '26
- Emily Harry '26
RDU/ Eastern NC Regional Leader(s):
- Mary Chandler ’27
- Ralph Mensah ’27
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Leader(s):
- Bruce Arnett '26
- M. Scott Peeler '26
Rest of US & International Regional Leader(s):
- Barbara Senich ’27
- Christopher Ruth '27
Student Career Services
The Student Career Services Committee focuses on assisting Carolina students as they consider entering the workforce. These committee members arrange sessions that allow BOV volunteers to use their backgrounds as professionals to assist students. This work has ranged from one-on-one meetings, to panel discussions and group dinners, all focused on networking between highly achieved students and highly achieved professionals.
- Marvin "Les" Bethune, Co-Chair
- William "BJ" Keyes V, Co-Chair
Membership Engagement Committee
Membership Engagement has the goal of making sure the Board is fulfilling its charge from the University's Board of Trustees to assist the Board of Trustees and Chancellor in activities that help advance the University. The focus is on how the Board of Visitors can improve membership satisfaction and the BOV's service to the University.
Chair, Vice Chair, BOV Next Chapter Co-Coordinators
- Caroline Stoneman, Chair
- Tom Lock
- Jennifer Lapham and Hina Patel, BOV Next Chapter Co-Coordinators
Marketing Communications
The Marketing Communications Committee members discuss and advise University Communications on a host of issues related to Carolina. Also, members serve as an ongoing reference to the University, using their expertise in the field.
Chair, Vice Chairs, Advisor
- Jerry Bright, Chair
- Sanjib Mohanty, Vice Chair
- Mustafa Shah-Khan, Advisor
Government Relations
The Board of Visitors has combined its state and local efforts and added federal relations to create its current Government Relations Committee. The committee responds to the need for ongoing communication with federal, state and local leaders. Members address key University issues as they are affected by public policy. The committee builds on the strong relationships many board members already have with local, state and federal decision makers. This group also works to foster new relationships. Members are the first contacted when Carolina needs assistance with important legislative issues. Most importantly, members educate lawmakers to enable them to thoughtfully consider Carolina’s education, research and public service roles and goals. The committee works with other University constituents and supporters to advance the higher education and research cause. Local members stay informed about town and gown matters and help communicate the goals of the University to the local community.
- Lori Ann Harris, Co-Chair
- Alex Lassiter, Co-Chair